Always be filled with anticipations for the future...

Our mission began in 2022, with a desire to share a message with the world. HARPAZO is derived from the Greek word meaning "to be caught up" (involuntarily), taken from 1 Thessalonians 4:17 NKJV.
This passage describes the prophecy that one day Christ will return, and sincere believers will be caught up in the air to meet Him in the clouds.
Given that 97% of the Bible's prophecies have already been fulfilled, will this prophecy also come true? It may sound a bit crazy, but when it happens, everyone will know!
However, those who believe this will happen must be filled with anticipation. Such beauty and hope make it something worthy to eagerly await. The core belief of Harpazo is to make life full of expectations!
Hold on to the belief that what you are hoping for will surely come to pass!

Our Story

A brand hidden and brewing for over ten years. The time has come to unveil its significance. HARPAZO—this verb imprinted itself in the founder's mind back in 2013 while delving into the Book of Revelation and its original Greek text. As societal turmoil and the global pandemic struck, the verb resurfaced again. The time is near. Following an inner calling, HARPAZO was launched in October 2022.
In a chaotic and uncertain world, we are gearing towards the end time of human history as indicated in The Book of Revelation. But it does not end there! We should be full of great expectations that after the birth pain, a bright new world will be born.
"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us." —Acts 17:26-27 (NIV)