Harpazo 藤枝香薰


Harpazo 精心為您呈獻 12 種200ml 及5種120ml藤枝香薰以供選擇,悠揚香氛融合於每一個空間,迎合獨特的個人品味。

藤枝香薰 -芬多精 -獨特配方
我們的精油配方含有植物所釋放抵禦細菌、真菌及昆蟲的揮發性有機化合物。大量研究表明,芬多晶能有效消除異味, 潔淨空氣和舒緩壓力。

Lost in Paris

If you ask me : Do you like Paris? Well, I used to go to Paris two to three times a year due to the nature of my job. I knew an old friend who is French. He is humorous, generous and used to have a lot of girl friends with different nationalities. And I thought he was probably lost, not knowing what he wants or where he wants to settle his heart.

"Lost" is never about direction.

如果你問我:你喜歡巴黎嗎?嗯,由於我的工作性質,以前每年要去巴黎兩到三次。 我認識一個法國老朋友。他幽默大方,有很多不同國籍的女朋友。 我想他可能迷失了,不知道自己想要什麼,也不知道他想要在哪裡安頓自己的心。
